From November 18th through December 13, 2019 please help us help our friends and neighbors by bringing non-perishable food items (no glass, please) or a few dollars to support the cause. To sweeten the deal (as if helping others isn’t enough!) we are giving everyone who donates a chance to win a Zoom Whitening treatment-
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Dear Mrs. Emerson, It has been well over sixty-five years since we met and over sixty years since we spoke. I remembered wide-eyed walking into your Tulsa, Oklahoma Kindergarten class in 1955 and you taking both of my hands and holding them in yours and welcoming me to your class. I was awestruck, like so
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Hello! Jennifer here again. I was working on my Employee Spotlight a few weeks ago, and when I was trying to fill out my part for “What do you love about working at Buzbee Dental” I had so many answers; I decided I should do a top ten. I get that I’m biased… but stick with
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By: Dr. Gary Buzbee We have made it through Christmas and if you are like me excited to get the New Year started. We will soon be done with cheese balls, Chex mix and non- stop grazing. We can put structure back in our lives and return to whatever is normal for us. I have
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It’s December! Are you ready? One of my favorite traditions here at Buzbee Dental has nothing to do with teeth. Or our patients (whom we love) but it’s our annual Secret Santa. Each year all of the staff draw names and select one person to bestow gifts upon for the week leading up to
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Going To The Dentist Is Not As Scary As Halloween And It Can Be Much More Frightening If You Do Not Go By: Dr. Gary Buzbee It is the time of the year when we think of Goblins and Ghosts and Ghouls and Witches and Monsters and such. Adults and kids alike
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Ok, guys… it’s time for some real talk. Everywhere I go, people ask me about those online clubs offering orthodontic discount clear trays directly to you. Ahem. “Do they work? Should I do them? They are so cheap, and braces are so expensive!” Uhhh the answer is no, guys. Just. No. So, what is so
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By: Dr. Gary Buzbee Every once in a while, the Sun, the Moon and the Stars all line up together and an event occurs. I guess in folklore this can either be a force for happiness or cause for alarm. Today, October 5, 2018, it must be a force for good, because it is
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Hello! It’s me, Jennifer, here again- and guess what? It’s October 1st! There is a lot of fun stuff happening over here at Buzbee Dental. First off, it’s that time of year again! You’ve probably noticed a postcard in the mail from our office in the last couple of days… It’s your annual reminder that the
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Hi, I’m Jennifer! I’m the Financial Coordinator here at Buzbee Dental. I’ve been here for about 13 years– you’ve probably seen me around from time to time. Aside from dealing with insurance, I primarily work one on one with our patients to figure out what treatment options are best for them. This is anything from
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